
Red S.E. Cupp is the home of S.E. Cupp, co-author of "Why You're Wrong About the Right."

Monday, March 30, 2009

There's No Crying In Capitalism...

New post on Newsmax this morning on the imminent death of newspapers:

"Death of Newspapers Isn't Death of Journalism."

"Nostalgia and sentiment have no place in free market capitalism, as the death of one industry always inherently means the imminent rise of a better one. Since the advent of the Model T, is anyone still mourning the death of the buggy? Would we want to bring back wood-burning stoves? Should we all return to the abacus? I can’t even figure out a restaurant tip without the aid of a calculator. And thankfully, I don’t have to."

And, be sure to check out Politico's "Arena," for thoughts on the firing of Rick Wagoner.


Allan Wallace said...

Your Death of Newspapers was front page on Google news this morning, so of course I added it to Stumbleupon. Good journalism is still recognized, and we didn't have to wait for an annual ceremony to offer an award.

Unknown said...

You make a few good points here but I would caution the idea that 'progress' always yeilds the best results. In many cases newspapers are the only businesses that have an investigative reporting staff that is large enough to dig through large amounts of information to 'expose' the facts. While things like the kindle may sound like a great invention I would caution that ever since the advent of TV the attetnion span of the average reader/viewer has gone down dramatically. There are more and more people who simply do not take the time to sit and read a paper. And admittedly there are many papers that lack enough substanitive content to draw readers on a continuous basis. At least not enough for many to subscribe to them.
Of course there will always be the issue of biases and there is a possibly a greater danger of this with many people believeing that blogs are the same as investigative reporting.

Not to meniton the problems with database searches to 'fact find'. Only the slightest change in search parameters can yeild entirely different articles or leads for information.

Where as with a newspaper just as with a book. It can be laid down and picked back up right where the reader left off, hours or perhaps even days after.

I admit however that I am not a subscriber but do enjoy the occasional print version. Maybe scaling back print operation for a more in depth online version is the way to go. But its hard to argue that the complete disappearance of the print medium is a good idea.