I have a new piece up in Newsmax today:
"It's Way Too Early To Pick 2012 Contenders"
"But the alacrity of the GOP to pinpoint and announce its leaders is making the job of actually coming up with credible ones that much more difficult. Whether it’s real weaknesses in Mark Sanford or John Ensign, or imagined ones in Bobby Jindal and Sarah Palin, every time the right decrees someone 'the future of the party' it slaps a bull’s-eye on their back for the left."
Agreed. The state run media is salivating to get a "GOP Leader" to target for personal destruction. Even the left is not stupid enough to think attacking Rush Limbaugh every day will help them defend 9.4% unemployment and despots from all over the world seizing on Obama's weakness.
I've never understood the apparent demand for the GOP to identify a national leader so quickly. We lost power a couple of months ago. Can't we take some time to evaluate the potential candidates for the position before we settle on one? And I don't recall there being any discussion on who the leader of the Democratic Party was in 2005 anyway. Why are we even required to have a "national leader" now? Give us some time, people.
I think it is helpful to have a leader in the spotlight. If they can't handle the pressure in 2009, they surely won't be able to handle it in 2012. Also, having a soild conservative voice, which the public can hear, certainly doesn't hurt.
Sarah Palin is the right candidate to defeat Barack Hussen Obama in 2012. She is tough as nails and stands up for what is right.
This is hysterical. The party's so loaded with self-immolating morons and wea, gelatinous hypocritical "social conservatives", that it should not name a leader! The Nazis had a lot of scumbags and imbeciles signed up on the books in the Thirties but that didn't stop them from putting their best foot forward! Man up! Be positive! Don't hide. What are you going to do, wait till a week before election day to tell America who the next Republican Idiot-In Chief would be? Is the October surprise going to be the naming of a candidate? This Cupp kid is a riot. Thanks for the laffs, American's conservatives. The best ones is seeing you contorted with frustration and fury.
What'll really help the GOP...
is to stop crucifying the moderate members of the party, update its agenda and stance on issues, and instead of focusing so much on what Obama is doing, focus more on what the GOP can potentially do better.
I am keeping my eye on Thaddeus Mc cotter . This folks is a real sleeper that could do it in 2012. That with a Palin vp. Kaaabooom
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