I have a new piece up today in Newsmax:
"The Obama Administration is a 'Seinfeld' Episode"
"Kramer, like Biden, says the things you're just not supposed to say. When Biden told a wheelchair-bound Missouri state senator to 'stand up,' it was no different than Kramer telling George's girlfriend she needs a nose job. When Biden said that FDR went on television in 1929 to talk about the stock market crash, it was the same as Kramer telling some tourists that Central Park was designed in 1850 by Joe Pepitone. When Biden said 'J-O-B-S' is a three-letter word, it was like Kramer saying, 'It's like a sauna in here.' As he's entering a sauna."
Seinfeld was intellegent comedy. Beverly Hillbillys, the Palin forbearer was as stupid as the current turkey pardon-interview Palin family moron show. It was the comparison of Palin to Bev Hillbillys that led you to search despareately for this Seinfeld comparison. We knew you were not an original thinker.
When you see stuff like the above comment you know you're doing good work!
If they start agreeing with you then worry.
Good article :)
So Sarah Plain is so amazingly stupid and inept, so linguistically hobbled, has such a turd in her skull instead of a brain, that you feel it necessary to go searching for a tat for your tit, and you come up with Biden.
Keep at it, P.U. Cupp. It beats working fora living. Even Bristol Plain could do your job.
Loved the article! That was one of my favorite shows and I definately see the comparison's. Thanks for the great article, keep up the good work.
What a great article. I have watched every episode of Seinfeld and you could have not made a better comparision. It fits this Administration perfectly. Keep up the good work and hope to see you on Hannity soon.
I would not like to see you on Hannity. I can think of nothing more disgusting than you two doing it.
But I loved the piece on Youtube where you talk while putting on your make-up. It helps us all take you so much more seriously.
Yeah, but nobody is laughing at Obama/Biden "Screw America into Oblivion comedy hour". To think that those morons are the best the left could produce, no wonder they have to steal elections and teach "groups" how to commit voter fraud. Al Franken, another left "intellectual" asked Sotomayer if she's a Perry Mason fan during her confirmation hearing. What an idiot! Thanks for asking the tough questions Al. Keep up the great work, SE, and Palin '12!
Perry Mason sez -- I've solved every case I ever took on and the true thief of an election was Geoorge "Fly Boy" Bush back in 2000. They had some stooge right wing justices on the Supreme Court that were bigger creeps and idiots than DA Hamilton Burger and they tosssed the Presidency to the AWOL Vietnam flyboy.
I was in the courtroom with Della and we both fell out laughing. Nothing I could do however, and before long America was at war in the wrong country. I tell you, the guys in the old days at CBS couldn't write comedy like that and the conservative Republican show has only gotten funnier with the Sarah Palin Clown Hour.
SE, keep up the good work, Powder Puff.
G.w. stole the election? I think not my good chum. G.W. won the first recount, G.W. won the second recount and was winning the third when the SCOTUS declared he could be certified. Where was Bill "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" Clinton during Vietnam? In England, bad-mouthing his Country, at least G.W. put on a uniform. If Sarah Palin is such a joke, why do millions of American love her; and you lefties are terrified of her? She's going to kick your collective asses! Let's talk SCOTUS stooges, i.e. Sonya "So the liar" Sotomayer what an unbiased candidate! A wise latina she is not! More like a racist white hater latina. Just like her leader Barack "It's time for some payback" Obama, or is it
Soterro, or Dunham; damnit someone tell me who is this guy. Again S.E. you're as great a writer as you are beautiful, keep up the great work.
This Anonymous guy is a little perturbed. He is freaking out he is so angry and desparate. Listen to the rage in this person's post. Sarah Palin IS a joke but it doesn't mean she isn't a scary joke. Of course "leftists" are afraid of her. It's not only leftists. It's people who can smell BULLSHIT. Some people were afraid of Hitler too but not enough. He was a joke too with his mustache instead of Naughy Monkey pumps and terrible syntax. We just don't want to go down that "persecuted", weeping- in- the Sportspalast, we're victims. super nationalist Nazi road again. Even for five minutes. It worked out bad the last time in that other country.
But as she said, "we're sitting on a mountain of gas", so you gotta laugh. At her, not with her.
Keep up the good work, Powder Puff.
Good work gi joe, Saul Alinsky would be proud. "Paint your opponent as crazy or some form of lunatic, to destroy their credability" I'm paraphasing of course, but you get the meaning. For those that don't know Mr. Alinsky's works I suggest you familiarize yourself with them it will help you understand whats going on. I can't believe I fell for all that left garbage for so long. When I stepped back and looked at it, it was garbage. Think about what the left stands for and you will see it is everything that is anti-America. No drilling for oil, gun control, we need more guns in the hands of responsible citizens, taxes on everything there is, and they support the every enemies of this nation. I look forward to the day when their kind no longer inhabits the face of the Earth.
Anon -- "ledtists" will never be gone from the face of the earth. Go fuck your mother.
I take back the obove comment. It is too rude and I regret it. Someone wishing for genocide, as Anonymous, does -- a whole group of humans gone from the planet -- , gets me upset, but his comment only goes to point up the truth of what GI Joe said. Nevertheless, I apologize for the vulgarity.
I never said anything such as genocide. All I said is that I wish for "their kind to no longer inhabit the earth". It's not like lefties are a separate race, it a way of thinking. I guess I made it sound as if I were wishing for violence. I accept your apology for your vulgarities, but my mother doesn't.
Maybe a huge comet will come down and only kill "lefties", as happened to the dinosaurs, leaving you and your friends the whole ball of wax. I'm sure your political ideas will bring peace on earth, good will toward men, a veritable Eden once more.
I don't wish for violence upon anyone. Don't be confused though, if it comes down to it, better you than me. You know what I realy wish for? Is a level playing field, you lefties have the print media, and the televised media, and are trying very hard to dominate the blogsphere. Let's just come together a bare our souls to the American people and let them choose who has the better philosophy, without lies or any distortions. I don't like the left because you all follow the Communist doctrine and think that America will be a better country if we were converted to Communism, you believe through communism there will be equality, and everyone will be "free". Nothing is further from the truth, research your origins, you find the truth, capitalism brings true freedom, if you want to succeed you can, if not then too bad. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Well, Anon. has said it all. So much for the Sermon on the Mount. In the toilet.
God bless America.
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