
Red S.E. Cupp is the home of S.E. Cupp, co-author of "Why You're Wrong About the Right."

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Liberals Are VERY Confused About Gun Provision

I have a new piece up in the Fox Forum, about the gun provision President Obama is expected to sign into law:

"The suggestions that legalizing concealed weapons in national parks will mean increased park violence, death to Smokey the Bear or a rush on machine guns is just sloppy research and a lazy interpretation of what, exactly, this bill will mean for gun owners. Of course it’s also an attempt to caricature gun owners as crazy-eyed nutjobs who’d take aim at a box of puppies if it crossed their field of vision, but that’s become standard operating procedure."



Gerald Lamb said...

Great analysis. I tire of laws that punish law-abiding citizens, whether they are by accident or by design. It's good to see they got it right for once.

It occurs to me that if gun owners were as easily provoked and even a tenth as trigger-happy as the left makes them out to be, there would be a steady decline in the number of left-leaning columnists bashing gun owners. Funny how the numbers don't bear that out...

P.U. Cupp said...

Here's the good news. Here's what we do know for sure -- some of you gun lovers this year will accidentally shoot yourselves in the head, eye, gentals, whatever. Or maybe you'll attempt suicide. --we can always hope. Better that another of the innocent, particularly children, who suffer intentional and accidental gun death and injury every year. You remember innocent children, right -- the ones you care so much about before they're born? Anyway, it's not pretty but better one of you with lead in your spinal column than some guy driving by your house.

Gerald Lamb said...

Wow. And they call us bitter hate-mongers!

Unknown said...

Yeah, they do. You see, as was said, it's not a pretty picture, but for each gun lover in the funeral home or spinal injury center, that's on less kid blown away at a birthday party, on purpose or by misake. What does it matter how it happens? You don't need those firearms. It's all about you feeling entitiled to carry them. It's all pollitics. And for what? To defend the nation? A well armed militia? Pleeeese. Don't make us laugh.

Unknown said...

Do you people really need assault rifles? If so, better you assault yourselves than uninvolved parties. Wouldn't that be fair?

Gerald Lamb said...

Amidst a bevy of non-sequitirs, liberals continue to betray a pathological hatred of 2nd amendment rights.

gimmedat said...

All crazy-eyed nutjobs know that a box of puppies is a delicious snack while clinging to their guns and religion.

Anonymous said...

That's it liberals, bring on the gun debate, NOW is the time to throw you out of office!!